Saturday, February 20, 2021

Emma young has talked about eight lazy ways to lose weight. Get vaccinated Chill! Chill some more, Eat protein, Watch the packaging, Turn down the lights, Move to the country, Have a lie-in

It is obvious fact that our eating habit is the main cause of gaining weight. If we eat more and do less exercise, it leads to obesity.

David Allison has studied about piling the pounds and come in to conclusion that there are similarities between human and animals. 

·     Get vaccinated: Nikhil Dhurandhar has discovered AD36(adenovirus 36). It boosts the fat cell and persist the unwanted fat in the body.

·     Chill: Though it is believed that extreme stress makes people lose the weight  

·     Watch the packaging: The packed foods have endocrine disruptor that changes the normal function of hormones that affects the metabolism process.

·     Turn down the light: The empower to light at night increases the weight in body. Randy Nelson- mice exposed to light at night weighed 10% more.

·     Move to country: polluted air can cause fat accomodation arround the stomach. And can make cell less sensitive to insulin.

·     Have a lie in:those who sleep less are found to be more fat than those who sleep less.



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