Tuesday, August 16, 2022

Reporting/ Narration

Reporting/ Narration

Harry said, “I am very busy”.

Said is  reporting verb and I am very busy is reported speech. 

Normally we use linker (that, to, if/whether, wh words) before reported speech.

The pronouns of reported speech are changed. 


123 First person according to subject of reporting verb, second person according to object of reporting verb and third person no change.

Eg. Arnold said to me, I didn’t like your my comment on his writing.

Arnold told me that I he hadn’t liked my comment on his writing.

Change of tenses of reported speech

If reporting verb is in past tense

  1. Present indefinite becomes past indefinite. It means root and present verbs change into past verb.

  2. Present continuous changes into past continuous.

  3. Present perfect becomes past perfect.

  4. Present perfect continuous becomes past perfect continuous.

  5. Past simple changes into past perfect.

  6. Past continuous changes  into past perfect continuous.

  7. Past perfect and past perfect continuous remains unchanged.

  8. Shall and will changes into would. But shall changes into should if it talks about rules.

  9. May changes into might, can into could, must into had to. Ought to no change must not into was/ were not to V1

Changes of time and place expression in past tense.

Now into then, ago into before, today into that day, tomorrow into the next day, yesterday into previous day, here into there, hence into thence, this into that, these into those, thus into that way, come into go(sometimes)

He says to me, “ I am good”.

He tells me that he is good.

Narration of assertive sentence:

  1. In assertive ( svo) sentence, linker is that,

  2. If the reporting verb is in present or future, the tense of reported speech is not changed. Eg. He says to me, “you are good.” He tells me that I am good.

  3. In  case of habitual truth or eternal truth, there will not be the change of the tense. The teacher said, “ The sun rises from the east.” The teacher said that the sun rises from the east.

Report the following sentence into indirect speech.

  1. The teacher said to the boy. “You have forgotten the lesson.”

The teacher told the boy that he had forgotten the lesson.

  1. The boy said, “I shall go out and play.”

The boy said that he would go out and play.

  1. He said, “I am happy to be here today.”

He said that he was happy to be there thatday.

  1. They said, “We shall play the game again tomorrow.”

They said that they would play the game again the next day.

  1. The boy said, “Two and two make four.”

  1. The princess says, “I have lost my way.”

The princess says that she has lost her way.

  1. They say, “We must keep our locality clean.”

They say that they must keep their locality clean.

Narration of interrogative sentences:

  1. The reporting verb changes into ask, enquire, want to know question.

  2. Yes/ no questions have if/whether, as a linker and Wh questions have same Wh words as linker.

  3. The order of the sentences changes into assertive from the interrogative.

Eg. He said to me, “What are you doing?”

He asked me what I was doing.

Change following sentences into indirect speech:

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