Wednesday, January 19, 2022

A Matter of Husbands

A Matter of Husbands


1.  Earnest Young Woman: an innocent woman who goes to famous actress to plead her to return her husband. She is an innocent woman who believes whatever other says. She represents all housewives and their character.

2.  Famous Actress the beautiful and cunning woman who is blamed to have an affair with Alfred. She has acting in the real life as well.

3.  Alfred husband of earnest young woman

 Brief Summary

Earnest Young Woman walks into famous Actress house because she believes her husband is there with her. She has been there to get her husband back who is attracted with the beauty of the Famous Actress. Famous Actress denied that she had taken her husband though she met him personally. She asks for justification why she has been blamed. Earnest says that her husband has sent her flowers and written a letter of apologies. She has found the letter and reads infront of Actress.however the actress convinces the woman that it is a trick played by her husband to draw her attention towards him. She realizes her mistakes and returns. Finally Alfred was called.

Paraphrasing of Drama

The drama begins with the drawing room of Famous Hungarian Actress. Earnest Young Woman was sitting on the edge of gift chair. She was quite nervous as she licked her lips as if her mouth was dry. She was wearing a very normal dress.

Famous Actress asked if she wished to see her. She agreed and asked her to return her husband. Actress got perplexed and denied that she had taken her husband. She asked her to give a proof for such blame. Earnest informed her that her husband was a lawyer of her manager, who wore spectacles. However, the actress denied that she had ever seen him with spectacles. Nevertheless, Earnest thought he did not wear the spectacles the time he met actress as he wanted to be a smart. However, he used to wear spectacles whenever he was around of her. He did not love her.

Actress admitted that she would be furious if Earnest was not a foolish woman. She asked her to give her a proof for such blame. Earnest explained that her husband sent flowers to her all the time. However, the actress denied that she had got flowers. She asked her if he had told her about it. Earnest claimed that she had found at florist and they were sent to actress dressing room twice a week and she was not lying. Actress convinced Earnest that someone was lying her. At the meantime, Earnest showed a letter and read it. In the letter, he had asked the apologies as he could not call the actress at the theatre. He offered thousands of kisses. Earnest believed that he had forgotten the letter and began to cry. She even critiqued the appearance of the actress: royal princes, Greek goddess, cosmeticized her beauty and allured her husband- a simple minded lawyer fell in love with her. She confessed that she had no idea to allure the man.

Hearing the matter of Earnest, the actress found her case was interesting. She denied that she had got any flowers. Then, she asked about their relation of the past which was so affectionate. But, recently they had a very cold relation. Actress convinced her that it was a game played by her husband to attract her as he wanted her to be jealous. Earnest wanted know the reliability of the matter. The actress told her that it was a general case there. The authors, composers, even actors used to do such things so many times so that they could have a better love from their wives. She further explained that ordinary people used to think that backstage world was full of beautiful women alluring men as they had no hesitation with regards to morality. They believed an actress was more dangerous than hundred ordinary women. She further said the ordinary woman used to hate actress and be afraid of her. She convinced her that her husband played such a trick.  She even asked whether he had left her love letter. She confessed that she has not written any letter in reality. However, she fancied that she would have written letter if he had asked her. She further told that her husband has asked her to write an affectionate letter so that he would leave in the place, where she could find and read. She had written ten letters. But poor to him, his wife returned them unread. Hearing such fancy narration, the innocent woman believed and considered herself as a perfect fool. She was asked not to mistrust her husband even though she got a letter, a photo or flowers sent to someone. Therefore, there was no matter to cry.

The woman requested the actress not reveal her husband as she had been there. She got fully satisfied and left the place. After her departure, Alfred was called.


Theme of A Matter of Husbands

The drama presents how innocence people are suffered by shrewd people. The innocent people are often sincere by hearts. They are very simple and understand what other says but cunning people always take advantages of innocence. It presents a house wife and a cunning actress. The drama questions both hearts. The housewife always have a suspicious eyes towards the working especially, actress and actress always make fun of innocent people.

It also questions on the life of actors as they start acting in their real life as well. As they have played several roles, they cannot come out of their roles. They find very difficult to understand the realistic approaches. In the same line, it critiques excessive simplicity of the housewife who really fails to understand acting the people and pretend it as if it is real.


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