Monday, January 17, 2022

a film review

Film review format:

1.  Introduction: In introduction of the film review, make the thesis statement, consider the film whether it reflect on current issues or contemporary issues.

2.  Follow your thesis statement paragraph with short summary: write short plot of the story. Talk about main characters settings and point of film.

3.  Move into analysis of the film: factual point of view with own opinion. Write point of view like historical, cultural, social realism, fantasy, meta-fiction or science fiction. Give some ideas, guidelines, examples, or dialogues of the film to support your own opinion.

4.  Wrap up your review with a conclusion. It should be back to your original thesis and provide some guidance as to whether the audience go and see the film.


Review of Nepali movie: Selfie King

Selfie King

RELEASE : 2020

Genre: Tragedy, drama

Runtime: 125 minutes

Screenwriter/director: Bishal Sapkota

Cast: Bipin Karki, Laxmi Bardewa, Abhay Baral, Bhuwan Chand, Lokmani Sapkota, Jiban Bhattarai, Sabin Bastola, Baldip Rai, Amitesh Shah, etc


Selfie King, a movie of Bishal Sapkota is an ice break in current Nepali film industry. It has established the notion that it is not only comedy films

that are super hit  in recent filmy scenario but also a tragic movie can have its own ground set up if we present the story as realistically. It presents realistic life of a comedian[d1] . It wants to portrait that reel life and real life are completely different.   

       Selfie King, a movie directed and written by Bishal Sapkota has Bipin Karki as a main character. Bipin karki has presented him as a stage performer. He is the one who hosts the program. He is known to all over the nation as Selfie King. However, the film is not about his public life. It presents his personal life. The film begins with the scene of parents who are having the realistic features of husband and wife. As they are watching the show, the father cracks with laughter. He has got stroke and taken to hospital. In mean time Selfie king has been informed. He reaches the hospital. He is blamed as irresponsible son. 

Despite having his father hospitalized, he goes to Salleri to take part in show. He gets news of father death and requests the organizer to manage him to return back as he wanted to see the face of his father.

However, he has been blamed as irresponsible one.

With difficulties, he reaches the place but his father is in pyre and funeral fire has been given.

[d2]      The film presents the picture of an artist. The film can be taken as a deceiving tragedy. The audiences might have thought about the title and actor who stands as a comedian. To their contrast, they find it as tragedy that presents the tragic personal life style of an artist. The film has social realism[d3] . The father of the main character doesn’t like his son to be an actor. It is an emotional story that touches the heart of audience. It tries to present the differences between reel life and real life. It also tries to present how an artist has a show up which may be far away from reality. For example, the utterance of Selfie King about stardom in Salleri: “stardom is like urination that pretends to be warmer for a time being, but in reality it has cold and odor comes. Nobody likes to sleep with urination[d4] .”  The film also presents the irony in realistic life of an artist[d5] . The audience or fans consider the life of an artist moves smoothly; however, they do not know underline meaning of the life. The film tries to unmask the real life of an artist. For example, the people in the bus question the appearance of Selfie King. It also satires on certificate based workmanship. The co-driver of the bus asks Selfie King.” What must be the educational background for an artist?” However, Selfie King replies him that as much education as a co-driver needs. The in-depth meaning of the utterance is that one has to be efficient enough in acting and performance. It does not have any connection with certificate rather it is associated with workmanship. It is indirect response to those, who keep on criticizing an artist based on formal education system. Though the film raises the social reality of an artist, it has some unrealistic presentation too.

       It is more dramatic that the dad falls unconscious when he is watching his son performance.. But, it has been presented that nose bleeds and he blacks out. He is taken to hospital and it has come into notice that he has stroke. Similarly, the conversation in between Selfie King and his wife at hospital is unrealistic. She wants to know about extramarital affairs of husband[d6] [d7] . No people will talk about such thing in the situation, where a family member is struggling in between life and death. The menatal ordeal of stardom does not sound natural here. [d8]   

       The story wants to present the difficulties faced by an artist. It tries to present the realistic picture of the life. The reel life may not have any connection with real life. It presents the ugly realistic picture those artist who are here to make other laugh and

 provide sense humors though they have shadow of pain and mental ordeal in their own life[d9] . The film is a tribute for those artists who bring smile to other though they have their psyche full of tears. I think this film helps to bring changes in conscience of audiences regarding presupposition of artists life and their living standard.   

 [d1]Thesis statement

 [d2]Plot in shot



 [d5]Point of view





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