Wednesday, August 17, 2022



Voice refers to the form of verb, which indicates whether the subject does the work or something has been done to it. Active voice deals it with the doer of the subject. Passive refers to a sentence acted upon.

Basic rules: 

The subject of active voice becomes object of the passive voice.

The object of the active voice becomes subject of the passive voice.

There is use of be verb and past participle.

  1. He reads a book. Ans: A book is read by him. Present simple passive structure is obj+is/am/ are+ V3….

  2. He is reading a book. A book is being read by him. Present continuous tense structure: obj+ is/am/are+ being+ V3…

  3. He has read a book. A book has been read by him. Passive structure of present perfect: obj+ has/have+been+V3+…

  4. He read a book. A book was read by him. Passive structure of past simple is: Obj+ was/ were+ V3…

  5. He was reading a book. A book was being read by him. Passive structure of past continuous tense: obj+ was/ were+ being+V3..

  6. He had read a book. A book had been read by him. Passive structure of past perfect is: obj+had been+V3..

  7. Modal+ v1 is changed into model+ be+v3. I shall read a book. A book will be read by me.

  8. Model+ have+ V3 is changed into modal+ have+ been+v3, I will have done it. It will have been done by me.

  9. If sentences have the meaning of the order, request and advice, let +obj+ be +v3. Do this work. Let this work be done. It can be made with should be+V3. This work should be done. If sentence begins with please, you are requested to+V1+….

  10. Sentences that begin with let can be made passive with let+ object+ be+ v3Let him buy a camera. Let a camera be bought by him. 

  11. Yes/ no questions and Wh questions are made in the same pattern. The rules of the tenses should be followed properly. Do you see the bird? Is the bird seen by you? What do you want? What is wanted by you?

  12. Passive with factitive object: The object of a transitive verb with complement. They made him king. He was made king by them. King was made him by them is a wrong passive. If a sentence has factitive object, the passive sentence must begins with factitive object.

  13. The sentence with reflexive pronoun remains same in passive voice. He hurt himself. He was hurt himself

  14. Quasi passive voice: quasi passive voice is active in form but passive in sense. Honey tastes sweet. Honey is sweet when it is tasted. 

The uses of the passive voice:

  1. For describing  a process: First the orange are brought from the market.

  2. For narrating an incident or events: The old man was knocked down by the bus.

  3. For defining

  4. For impersonal scientific writing:

  5. For writing a notice:

  6. For describing historical and social incidents:

  7. For making announcement:

  8. For classifying:

  9. For making requests and invitation.

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