Friday, February 9, 2024

Sagar's Diary: News Story Wriitng

Sagar's Diary: News Story Wriitng: Format of news story 1.      Headline This is a concise, attention-grabbing title that summarizes the main point of the news story. It m...

News Story Wriitng

Format of news story

1.     Headline

This is a concise, attention-grabbing title that summarizes the main point of the news story. It must be clear. It should give the readers a clear idea.

Accuracy: Headlines should accurately represent the content of the article.

Relevance: Highlight the most significant or interesting aspect of the news. Focus on what makes the story important or unique.

Use of Action Words: Strong action verbs can make headlines more engaging. Verbs like "unveils," "announces," "reveals," or "introduces" can create a sense of immediacy.


2.     By line

It is a source line that includes: RSS, BBC, CNN, APF, Reporter

3.     Dateline

It includes date month and place

Lead paragraph

The first paragraph or two contains the most crucial information, answering the questions: who, what, when, where, why, and how. This part is written to capture the reader's interest and encourage them to continue reading.


4.     Body paragraph


The following paragraphs provide additional details, expanding on the main points presented in the lead. Information is arranged in descending order of importance. Each paragraph often covers a single aspect or angle of the story and supports the main points

5.     Conclusion

The news story can conclude by summarizing the main points and potentially hinting at future development or implications.

6.     Remember

Quotes: Including direct quotes from individuals involved or experts can add credibility and depth to the story. These quotes can offer different perspectives or opinions related to the topic.

Background Information: Further details, context, or historical background relevant to the story can be included in subsequent paragraphs to provide a comprehensive understanding for the reader.






Local Community Unites in Effort to Combat Rising Homelessness[1]

By Sarah Thompson[2]

`12th December, Kathmandu [3]

In a heartwarming display of solidarity, residents from various neighborhoods across the city have joined forces to address the escalating issue of homelessness. With winter temperatures dropping, the local community has taken it upon themselves to ensure that every member has a warm place to stay. This grassroots movement is a testament to the power of collective action and compassion[4]

The initiative, spearheaded by a group of concerned citizens, began with a simple idea: providing temporary shelters for those without a home during the harsh winter months. Volunteers rallied together, contributing resources and time to set up makeshift shelters in community centers and unused spaces. Local businesses pitched in, donating blankets, clothing, and hot meals to accommodate those seeking refuge.

Residents have also organized outreach programs to identify individuals in need and connect them with available services. Social workers and medical professionals have volunteered their expertise to ensure that the homeless not only have a warm place to sleep but also receive necessary support for their physical and mental well-being.

As news of the community-driven effort spread, more people have joined in, offering financial contributions and supplies. The movement has not only provided immediate relief but has also sparked conversations about long-term solutions to homelessness. Community forums and town hall meetings are being organized to explore sustainable strategies, including affordable housing initiatives and job placement programs.[5]

As the collaborative efforts continue to gain momentum, the city is witnessing a remarkable display of empathy and unity. The grassroots movement to combat homelessness serves as a powerful reminder that positive change can start at the local level. The community's commitment to supporting its most vulnerable members reflects the true spirit of togetherness and sets an inspiring example for other regions facing similar challenges. With winter still ahead, the collective determination to make a difference gives hope that no one in the community will be left out in the cold.[6]

[1] Headline

[2] By line

[3] Date line

[4] Lead paragraph

[5] Body



Sagar's Diary: News Story Wriitng