Wednesday, January 19, 2022

A Matter of Husbands

A Matter of Husbands


1.  Earnest Young Woman: an innocent woman who goes to famous actress to plead her to return her husband. She is an innocent woman who believes whatever other says. She represents all housewives and their character.

2.  Famous Actress the beautiful and cunning woman who is blamed to have an affair with Alfred. She has acting in the real life as well.

3.  Alfred husband of earnest young woman

 Brief Summary

Earnest Young Woman walks into famous Actress house because she believes her husband is there with her. She has been there to get her husband back who is attracted with the beauty of the Famous Actress. Famous Actress denied that she had taken her husband though she met him personally. She asks for justification why she has been blamed. Earnest says that her husband has sent her flowers and written a letter of apologies. She has found the letter and reads infront of Actress.however the actress convinces the woman that it is a trick played by her husband to draw her attention towards him. She realizes her mistakes and returns. Finally Alfred was called.

Paraphrasing of Drama

The drama begins with the drawing room of Famous Hungarian Actress. Earnest Young Woman was sitting on the edge of gift chair. She was quite nervous as she licked her lips as if her mouth was dry. She was wearing a very normal dress.

Famous Actress asked if she wished to see her. She agreed and asked her to return her husband. Actress got perplexed and denied that she had taken her husband. She asked her to give a proof for such blame. Earnest informed her that her husband was a lawyer of her manager, who wore spectacles. However, the actress denied that she had ever seen him with spectacles. Nevertheless, Earnest thought he did not wear the spectacles the time he met actress as he wanted to be a smart. However, he used to wear spectacles whenever he was around of her. He did not love her.

Actress admitted that she would be furious if Earnest was not a foolish woman. She asked her to give her a proof for such blame. Earnest explained that her husband sent flowers to her all the time. However, the actress denied that she had got flowers. She asked her if he had told her about it. Earnest claimed that she had found at florist and they were sent to actress dressing room twice a week and she was not lying. Actress convinced Earnest that someone was lying her. At the meantime, Earnest showed a letter and read it. In the letter, he had asked the apologies as he could not call the actress at the theatre. He offered thousands of kisses. Earnest believed that he had forgotten the letter and began to cry. She even critiqued the appearance of the actress: royal princes, Greek goddess, cosmeticized her beauty and allured her husband- a simple minded lawyer fell in love with her. She confessed that she had no idea to allure the man.

Hearing the matter of Earnest, the actress found her case was interesting. She denied that she had got any flowers. Then, she asked about their relation of the past which was so affectionate. But, recently they had a very cold relation. Actress convinced her that it was a game played by her husband to attract her as he wanted her to be jealous. Earnest wanted know the reliability of the matter. The actress told her that it was a general case there. The authors, composers, even actors used to do such things so many times so that they could have a better love from their wives. She further explained that ordinary people used to think that backstage world was full of beautiful women alluring men as they had no hesitation with regards to morality. They believed an actress was more dangerous than hundred ordinary women. She further said the ordinary woman used to hate actress and be afraid of her. She convinced her that her husband played such a trick.  She even asked whether he had left her love letter. She confessed that she has not written any letter in reality. However, she fancied that she would have written letter if he had asked her. She further told that her husband has asked her to write an affectionate letter so that he would leave in the place, where she could find and read. She had written ten letters. But poor to him, his wife returned them unread. Hearing such fancy narration, the innocent woman believed and considered herself as a perfect fool. She was asked not to mistrust her husband even though she got a letter, a photo or flowers sent to someone. Therefore, there was no matter to cry.

The woman requested the actress not reveal her husband as she had been there. She got fully satisfied and left the place. After her departure, Alfred was called.


Theme of A Matter of Husbands

The drama presents how innocence people are suffered by shrewd people. The innocent people are often sincere by hearts. They are very simple and understand what other says but cunning people always take advantages of innocence. It presents a house wife and a cunning actress. The drama questions both hearts. The housewife always have a suspicious eyes towards the working especially, actress and actress always make fun of innocent people.

It also questions on the life of actors as they start acting in their real life as well. As they have played several roles, they cannot come out of their roles. They find very difficult to understand the realistic approaches. In the same line, it critiques excessive simplicity of the housewife who really fails to understand acting the people and pretend it as if it is real.


Monday, January 17, 2022

a film review

Film review format:

1.  Introduction: In introduction of the film review, make the thesis statement, consider the film whether it reflect on current issues or contemporary issues.

2.  Follow your thesis statement paragraph with short summary: write short plot of the story. Talk about main characters settings and point of film.

3.  Move into analysis of the film: factual point of view with own opinion. Write point of view like historical, cultural, social realism, fantasy, meta-fiction or science fiction. Give some ideas, guidelines, examples, or dialogues of the film to support your own opinion.

4.  Wrap up your review with a conclusion. It should be back to your original thesis and provide some guidance as to whether the audience go and see the film.


Review of Nepali movie: Selfie King

Selfie King

RELEASE : 2020

Genre: Tragedy, drama

Runtime: 125 minutes

Screenwriter/director: Bishal Sapkota

Cast: Bipin Karki, Laxmi Bardewa, Abhay Baral, Bhuwan Chand, Lokmani Sapkota, Jiban Bhattarai, Sabin Bastola, Baldip Rai, Amitesh Shah, etc


Selfie King, a movie of Bishal Sapkota is an ice break in current Nepali film industry. It has established the notion that it is not only comedy films

that are super hit  in recent filmy scenario but also a tragic movie can have its own ground set up if we present the story as realistically. It presents realistic life of a comedian[d1] . It wants to portrait that reel life and real life are completely different.   

       Selfie King, a movie directed and written by Bishal Sapkota has Bipin Karki as a main character. Bipin karki has presented him as a stage performer. He is the one who hosts the program. He is known to all over the nation as Selfie King. However, the film is not about his public life. It presents his personal life. The film begins with the scene of parents who are having the realistic features of husband and wife. As they are watching the show, the father cracks with laughter. He has got stroke and taken to hospital. In mean time Selfie king has been informed. He reaches the hospital. He is blamed as irresponsible son. 

Despite having his father hospitalized, he goes to Salleri to take part in show. He gets news of father death and requests the organizer to manage him to return back as he wanted to see the face of his father.

However, he has been blamed as irresponsible one.

With difficulties, he reaches the place but his father is in pyre and funeral fire has been given.

[d2]      The film presents the picture of an artist. The film can be taken as a deceiving tragedy. The audiences might have thought about the title and actor who stands as a comedian. To their contrast, they find it as tragedy that presents the tragic personal life style of an artist. The film has social realism[d3] . The father of the main character doesn’t like his son to be an actor. It is an emotional story that touches the heart of audience. It tries to present the differences between reel life and real life. It also tries to present how an artist has a show up which may be far away from reality. For example, the utterance of Selfie King about stardom in Salleri: “stardom is like urination that pretends to be warmer for a time being, but in reality it has cold and odor comes. Nobody likes to sleep with urination[d4] .”  The film also presents the irony in realistic life of an artist[d5] . The audience or fans consider the life of an artist moves smoothly; however, they do not know underline meaning of the life. The film tries to unmask the real life of an artist. For example, the people in the bus question the appearance of Selfie King. It also satires on certificate based workmanship. The co-driver of the bus asks Selfie King.” What must be the educational background for an artist?” However, Selfie King replies him that as much education as a co-driver needs. The in-depth meaning of the utterance is that one has to be efficient enough in acting and performance. It does not have any connection with certificate rather it is associated with workmanship. It is indirect response to those, who keep on criticizing an artist based on formal education system. Though the film raises the social reality of an artist, it has some unrealistic presentation too.

       It is more dramatic that the dad falls unconscious when he is watching his son performance.. But, it has been presented that nose bleeds and he blacks out. He is taken to hospital and it has come into notice that he has stroke. Similarly, the conversation in between Selfie King and his wife at hospital is unrealistic. She wants to know about extramarital affairs of husband[d6] [d7] . No people will talk about such thing in the situation, where a family member is struggling in between life and death. The menatal ordeal of stardom does not sound natural here. [d8]   

       The story wants to present the difficulties faced by an artist. It tries to present the realistic picture of the life. The reel life may not have any connection with real life. It presents the ugly realistic picture those artist who are here to make other laugh and

 provide sense humors though they have shadow of pain and mental ordeal in their own life[d9] . The film is a tribute for those artists who bring smile to other though they have their psyche full of tears. I think this film helps to bring changes in conscience of audiences regarding presupposition of artists life and their living standard.   

 [d1]Thesis statement

 [d2]Plot in shot



 [d5]Point of view





Thursday, January 13, 2022

What is soul?

What is the Soul? Critical approaches in Dualism


What is the soul is a writing that presents a critical interpretation of dualism against monism in philosophy. Dualism is a metaphysical concept where people believe that there are two kinds of reality: physical reality, body and spiritual reality, immaterial. Russell examines such dualism in philosophical standpoint how mind and body exist. He critically examines the similarities and differences between body and soul in the form of mind and body.

       He vitally inspects the lacks of science. He articulates that science does not provide us all information that we desire to get. We have not got the information clearly that we had before science cane into existence. The line “…circumstances of recent advances in science is that each one makes us know less than we thought we did”, [1]presents the idea that modern science even does not know how much we were supposed to have known before science came into existence. Modern science cannot even know about body and soul concept.

       He further scans the concept of the body and mind and their interconnectivity. He writes, “…that the body is in time and space, but the soul is in time only”.

It is believed that body consists of the two things. It consists of both time and space. It means body goes for physical aspect that consists of both time span and entities, means the mass of an object. However, the soul is only time. It has only span or no physical mass; mere psychological or matter of thought, no more concretization.

Making headway, he looks at the concept of the body in the line of materialism. He believes materialism advocates for the body in a way that it has ‘its existence of self evidence’. He postulates that body physically exists as it has a self-proof; it exists in the world physically. A scientific proof is always there for such physical components.

He views the positions of the philosopher. He writes, “…the philosopher was apt to analyze it away”. He means to say that they are keen to know about it and explains about it this way or that way. They are not found to be doing. However, he views that the simplicities of the ideas have been lost. He points out,

[…] fine old simplicities are lost: physicists assure us that there is no such thing as matter, and psychologists assure us that there is no such thing as mind. This is an unprecedented occurrence.

 He strongly raises his idea that the dualistic concept of metaphysical materialism has been lost, as they want to establish their own significance in the field of philosophy. Now days, the dualism has been lost. There are tussle between physicists and psychologists. They argue quite differently. For, physicists matter is all-in-all and for psychologists mind is all-in-all. However, these two extremisms are not true.

       Going ahead, he wants to know about the reason behind the loss of dualism in philosophical arena. He finds, “…some of them attempt to reduce everything that seems to be mental activity to an activity of the body.

He derives the understanding that The physicist and psychologist try to conclude all mental activities to physical action. In this scientific world, everything is taken from factual occurrence. The mental action is always reflecting or manifest in physical action. However, author does not believe in such arguments.

       Likewise, he further examines what a body is. He states, “…hitherto called our body is really an elaborate scientific construction not corresponding to any physical reality”. He examines that we have existing history that we have a physical body. it is only construction of science as it has described with different metabolic and organic component that science can explain.

       He looks at materialists understanding. He encounters, “…a certain degree of success reduce the activities of the mind to those of the body, he cannot explain away the fact that the body itself is merely a convenient concept invented by the mind”. Russell questions the limitation of the materialist who reduces mental action to physical actions. However, he fails to explain about the reliable reason behind of it.

       After talking about some laps of materialists, he looks at dualism. He speaks, “…mind is an emanation of body, and body is an invention of mind”. He explains the springs of rotation in finding the meaning of both and their connectivity in actual word. It postulates how they are interconnected with each other.

       A common person thinks about universality of the matter. He writes:

“The plain man thinks that material objects must certainly exist, since they are evident to the senses. Whatever else may be doubted, it is certain that anything you can bump into must be real; this is the plain man's metaphysic. This is all very well, but the physicist comes along and shows that you never bump into anything.”

It presents that normal people concept is that anything that can be sense by sensory organ is always true, as they exist in the world. Anything that we meet by chance are real for us. However the physician tells that we donot meet anything by chance.

       He further examines the duality between mind and body. They both have same utility and supremacy. He mentions, “Mind and matter were something like the lion and the unicorn fighting for the crown.” He means that modern science cannot give exact idea about the mind as it fails to talk about matter exactly/ It is just like a battle that never comes to an end. It only forms certain inventions. it is beneficial to collect certain events  And they are always relative.

       He explains the importance of both mind and matter. He inscribes, “…both mind and matter are merely convenient ways of organizing events.”Russell questions both physicists and psychologists that they give preference to one particular entity. Nevertheless, he thinks that both work together in the universe for organizing the events. They really have coexistence.

He wants to examines the reason for  the differences between metaphysical materialism and materialism. He marks, “...the opponents of materialism have always been actuated by two main desires: the first to prove that the mind is immortal, and the second to prove that the ultimate power in the universe is mental rather than physical.” He examines why metaphysical materialism is different from materialism. The first is that they consider the mind is immortal and second is to prove the world works is mental.

       Finally, he tells how one has to think about future aspects of human life and metaphysical concepts. He writes, “  …on the earth's surface anything happens because somebody wishes it to happen. And since our power on the earth's surface is entirely dependent upon the sun, we could hardly realize any of our wishes if the sun grew could. It is of course rash to dogmatize as to what science may achieve in the future”

He agrees with materialistic concept that matter is everything. It is not necessary to think that what happens anything above the surface of the earth. It is beyound the capabilities of people then.



[1]  The lines are taken  from course book class 11 and direct quotations are from The chapter: What is Soul?

A Very Old Man with Enormous Wings

A very old man with Enormous wing is a story written in magical realism. It critiques the societal people’s behaviours. The story contains realistic setting with other magical elements.

       Pelayo’s house was with full of the crabs as it had been raining for three days. He had been cleaning the crabs from the house. His children had a fever and they believed that it happened due to rain and smell. After throwing the crab, as he was on the way to house, he noticed an unusual movement and groaning. He went closer and noticed an old man with enormous wings lying on the mud. Being frightened, he went to call his wife who was compressing her child. Both of them observed the man, who dressed like rag picker. He had few faded hair and few teeth. Though they were surprise, they found him familiar. It seemed that the man was knocked down in a shipwreck. They decided to called their neighbours, who was believed to know everything. She informed them that he could be an angel, who had been there for the child; however, he was knocked down by the rain.

       Pelayo had captivated the angel. They used to believe that angels were the escaped survivors of spiritual conspiracy. Therefore the man was dragged and imprisoned in chicken coop. The very day the child got up and desired to eat. Hence, they felt pity on him and put some cold water and made their mind to put him on his own fate. The next day the coop was surrounded by neighbours and they were having fun with the man. Though they did not have any respect for the man, they were tossing food to him.

       Having known the news Father Gonzaga, the local priest arrived to inspect the man. Before he declared that he was no more an angel as he could not reply the language of the God, Latin; people had their own opinions. Father viewed him as more like human. He even alarmed people that it could be an evil’s carnival trick to confuse the unwary. Nevertheless, he promised to write to Pope for the final verdict.

       The news spread so quickly that the place became over crowed. The troops had to be called to clear the mob of the market place. Elisenda was tired of sweeping and had an idea to fence the yard and asked the people to get the ticket to see the man and they would earn the money.

       Hearing the news, a carnival with a flying acrobat came there. He buzzed many times to the crowd; however, they did not notice him as his wings were different than that of the man. There arrived many carnivals with unusual narration. Though other people were unhappy with the incident, Pelayo and Elisenda were happy as they had got huge sum of money. The angel had nothing to do with it. He had lots of pain. He tried to comfort himself from hellish heat of the oil lamps and sacramental candles. He was fed with meatballs as per the advice of the wise woman. He neither ate the meatballs nor the papal lunches. He only ate eggplant mush. It made them confused whether he was angel or an old man. He had only a supernatural quality that he had patience. He was so patience on the first days though chicken pecked stellar parasite from wings that had proliferation of the wings. People were surprised to observe his patience. They started throwing stones at him. They burnt him with hot iron rod. It pained him and finally he flapped his wings. It made whirlwind in the coop. It made people realised he was alive and frightened them, too.

       Father Gonzaga repressed the insensibility of the crowd. He was eagerly waiting the response of the mail. But, Rome had not shown any urgency. They just had indifference towards the priest’s tribulation. At the meantime, many carnivals arrived. A spider woman, who was the attraction of the town, came. People came to know that she had such unusual appearance as she had sneaked out of her parents, house to go for dance and got struck of lightening, which has changed her spider. She only got feeding of meatballs, which feet to her mouth. There were more miracles had happened: a blind man grow teeth instead of sight, a paralytic won lottery though he couldn’t walk; Gonzaga got complete cure of insomnia. Finally the crowd emptied the place but it did not matter to the owner of the house.

       They had built a two-story mansion with balconies and garden. The crab could not enter the house. They had iron bars on the window to prevent angels get in. Elisenda bought nice dresses. The thing they did not care was the coop. they were afraid at the beginning regarding the safety of their child when he started walking. They were concerned that the child should not enter the coop. Later they ignored about it. One the child entered the coop. Both the angel and the child got chickenpox. The doctor, who came to treat the child, could not resist the temptation to listen the heart beat and heard the sound of heart and kidneys, which made almost impossible to survive. Nevertheless, he came to know that they were the same of human beings. Pelayo threw blanket to the angel and let him sleep in shed. The husband and wife saw the angel in different places of the house and thought it had its reproduction.  They thought that it would die. However, the angel had temperature and got his feathers in his wings though he remained silent. He was so careful that nobody should notice such changes. One day, Elisenda sensed the wind that blew to the kitchen while she was chopping the onion. She saw angle was trying to fly. Finally, he flew and she notice him till she could see the sight.

Theme of the story: A very Old man with Enormous wings  

The thematic aspect is the story to present social realism though it has elements of magical realism. It presents the coexistence of compassion and cruelty of people. The people have mixed opinion regarding the presence of the old man. They even throw stones as well as they give some food. Palayo takes it out from the mud. It depicts his compassion. He also puts him in coop. It may be because of his fear. Nevertheless, it is a brutal behaviour that captivates other. In the same line, he threw blanket to him at the end of the story. It presents feeble response of selfish and greed of human beings. The husband and wife decided to take five cents as ticket to see the angel. It depicts the greed of people. After having a long sum of money, they built the house, but they did not care about the coop. It also questions the religiosity of people. It critically examines religiosity and opines religiosity is a shallow set of believes and ignores the principle of morality.


A very old Man with Enormous Wings as a story of magical reality:

A story in magical realism incorporates fantastic or mythical elements with other realistic fiction. It has a belief of transformation of common and every day condition to amazing unreal condition. It has realistic setting with magical elements. The information are limited and critiques the society. It has unique plot.

       The story has a realistic setting as Pelayo is picking the crab and throwing it out. As the house is at the beach it is possible that the house may get the problems of crabs. Elisenda is compressing her sick child. As he returns house he finds the man with wings. Is it not a fantastic or mythical thing? Can a man have a wing? The story does not have detail information about the arrival of the man. It has a little information about him. The child automatically recovers at the first and desires to eat but later a doctor has to be called. It critiques the people behaviours as they tortured the man. The man flying in the sky.



Monday, January 10, 2022

Marriage as a social institution

Marriage is a social institution is an essay that examines how people ideas towards marriage function as a social institution in modern society though they have been deviated. The objectives of the essay are to strengthen the marital relation, lowered the divorce rate, and minimize the unwed lock birth. It examines the definition of marriage, its strength and weakness and valorises the institutional function of marriage in modern society though people perception regarding marriage has been changed.

The essayist defines marriage is not only a sum total of two spouses. It is a relation defined by legal, moral and conventional assumptions. It is a close personal affiliation uniting two adults. It is an institution culturally patterned and integrated. It establishes the self-boundaries around the relationship that allows the limits of behaviours and differentiates with other relations.

A married couple has some peculiar things that other lacks.  A married couple can have an heir to vast system of understood principles. They can organize and sustain their lives. Marriage provides structure to life and organizes the desires and ambitions.

Emily Durkheim, a French sociologist, has discussed marriage as protective role that prevents suicide. He argues that basic human necessities are more or less available in advance society. Modern people think on well-being, comfort, luxury and prestige. It establishes legitimate boundaries. Marriage benefits as an organ of society that restrains people, uncontrollable impulses. He further views marriage assigns a strictly definite object to the needs for love and closes the horizon. It forms the state of moral equilibrium from which human befits.

Despite having such peculiarity of marriage, American people are deviated as they believe unmarried relation offers something more than marriage. They view cohabitation as a freedom from rules of marriage. It frees them from arrangement of relationship and maintenance of parental relationship. However, the essayist critiques them and views the thing they lack are is that they exempt from vast range of marriage norms and laws in our society.

Criticizing cohabitation, the essayist emphasizes marriage and opines that a marriage couple is certain about maintaining relationship. They tie up to maintain their commitment and responsibility to their children whereas unmarried couple are not sure about it.

He further analyses the marriage and points out the reason behind of its being as social institution. He views marriage as a form of capital. It helps to create intangible social capital that maintains relationship. It creates a type of trust and trustworthiness that form social capital for productivity. Marriage creates a type of kinship that has a lot of effort to make something successful. It helps to bind the relatives strongly. Social capital firmly joins individuals in a network channel of knowledge. These networks function by social norms and sanctions. It cannot be separated from configuration of institution and communities. The boundaries of marriage distinguish from other form of relation. He further examines the American society which has advocated for six dimensions of normative marriage system that has paved the way for establishing marriage as a social institution. They are:

It indicates the entry of voluntary maturity

Heterosexuality where males are supposed to be principle earners

Sexual faithfulness

Married couple will be parents

It is a form of social control where behaviours and aspirations are channelled properly

It is a force greater than individuals as it represents the collective sentiments of others. 

The essayist has critical examination of marriage systems that prevails in different society and comes up with it as a social institution.

Knowledge and Wisdom


The essay knowledge and wisdom critically examines the present trend of gaining knowledge where the importance of the wisdom has been lost. Simply having knowledge we cannot extend our level of wisdom. The time we try to define wisdom in relation to knowledge, it ceases

The essayist critically examines the modern trend of seeking knowledge does not go in the same line of wisdom seeking tendency.

He proposes that the factors that contribute the wisdom are:

1.  Sense of proportion.

He views that the development of knowledge seeking tendency should go in the same level for wisdom. It means the way we give more preference to knowledge; we must give same preference to wisdom. It means one should evaluate all possible important factors in problems and their attachment on the basis of their ground reality of connectivity. However, the people fail to do so as they give more importance to one particular substance or matter as the trend of specialized concept emerged in modern society. The preference given to in particular factor problem is the basic problems to enhance knowledge in modern society.

2.  Comprehensiveness should have certain awareness of the ends of human life:

He further views that comprehensive power may contribute people to gain wisdom if it is connected with feelings. One has to aware with the danger of comprehensiveness. It goes in the line of intellect only. Nevertheless, wisdom should go in the emotion as well. It means the proper combination of rationality and emotions. There must be proper connection and handling between mind and psyche.

3.   Emancipation from personal prejudices

The essayist advocates impartial reading of the world from prejudices in public and private life. He further says that the things that could be pursued should only be pursued. If it is not attainable one should not spend the time unnecessarily. It leads to impartial understanding of different dimension of knowledge to have wisdom,

4.  Patience and sufficient persuasiveness for impartiality

The knowledge seeking tendency leads people to get some hegemony. The egoism of the sense would be with us. It is very difficult for one to be aloof from our egocentric emotions. The indulgences with such emotions make people more personal; is the basic obstacles of gaining wisdom in the present world. This is the basic barriers of modern society to get wisdom.

    After discussing problems of not gaining wisdom in modern society, the essayist questions if wisdom can be taught. He answers it in the positive line. However, he cannot give more stress on it. He believes wisdom can be taught through understanding but not with hate

    He believes that knowledge needs various time of technical understanding. He views knowledge is nothing but the facts known by the person. It is gathered in form of learning and education.  It is merely having clarity of facts and truth.. Knowledge is information of which someone is aware. It is also used to mean confidant understanding of subject particularly with ability to use it for specific purpose. It changes in response to new information. It can be gained through learning education science reflection and reasoned and logical thought. He exemplifies knowledge with discoveries of medicine and atomic power. The innovation with medical science prevents the children from death. However, it creates the problem in food supply and lowering the standard of life as there is no balance between resources and population.

    Wisdom is ability to make correct judgments or decisions. wisdom is the combination of experience and knowledge with power of applying them. It is an intangible quality gained through our experience. It can be gained through self-intuition, and personal experience. It defines and redefines our character.

    Knowledge and wisdom are different things. According to Russellknowledge is defined as the acquisition of data and information, while wisdom is defined as the practical application and use of the knowledge to create value. Wisdom is gained through learning and practical experience, not just memorization.

    A sense of proportion is very much necessary for wisdom. By inventing medicine, a scientist may reduce the infant death-rate. Apparently, it leads to population explosion and shortage of food. The standard of life comes down. If misused, knowledge of atom can lead human to destruction by manufacturing nuclear weapon.

    Knowledge without wisdom can be harmful. Even complete knowledge is not enough. For example, Hegel wrote with great knowledge about history, but made the Germans believe that they were a master race. It led to war. It is necessary, therefore to combine knowledge with feelings.

    We need wisdom both in public and private life. We need wisdom to decide the goal of our life. We need it to free ourselves from personal prejudices. Wisdom is needed to avoid dislike for one another. Two persons may remain enemies because of their prejudice. If they can be told that we all have flaws then they may become friends.So, ‘Hate Hatred’ should be our slogan. Wisdom lies in freeing ourselves from the control of our sense organs. Our ego develops through our senses. We cannot be free from the sense of sight, sound and touch. We know the world primarily through our senses. As we grow we discover that there are other things also. We start recognizing them. Thus we give up thinking of ourselves alone. We start thinking of other people and grow wiser. We give up on our ego. Wisdom comes when we start loving others. 

    Russell feels that wisdom can be taught as a goal of education. Even though we are born unwise which we cannot help, we can cultivate wisdom. Queen Elizabeth I, Henry IV and Abraham Lincoln, are some impressive personalities who fused vigor with wisdom and fought the evil.


Sagar's Diary: News Story Wriitng