Monday, March 21, 2022

A Brief views about argumentative essay writing

An argumentative essay is a type of writing that talks about an issue. Generally it persuades the people to understand and support the point view of the writers.

Skeleton frame work for argumentative essays:

1.     Introductory paragraph: The first paragraph of the essay that outlines the topic. It provides the background information for understanding the argument. The general ideas regarding the topic. It also goes in the line of general information regarding the topic. It is followed by thesis statement for the argument.

What is the thesis statement?

A thesis statement is a concise, one sentence summary of the main point or your claim of the argument.

How to form a thesis statement?

For the formation of the thesis statement ask the questions regarding your topic. Then after try to answer these questions. As you get the answer, convert your answer into statement and refute it. Introduce an idea that contrasts with your belief, and immediately explain why you disagree with it.

2.     Body paragraphs: The paragraph that supports your claim of the thesis statement. It can have three or more than three paragraphs. The body paragraphs should cover different ideas or piece of the evidence. The body paragraphs should have a topic sentence. It backs up the claim of writer. One can use examples, research, statistics and text citation. For argument claims a writer can use: fact that helps to identify whether the statement is true or false;definition to put personal information; value setting for argument; presenting cause and effects.

3.     Conclusion. One paragraph that restates your thesis and summarizes all of the arguments made in your body paragraphs. Rather than introducing new facts or more arguments, a good conclusion will appeal to a reader’s emotions. In some cases, writers will use a personal anecdote explaining how the topic personally affects them.

4.     The approaches for argumentative essay:

a.     Classical aspects: In this process the writer presents the main idea at first and then state his opinion and convinces the readers why the writer is right. It is also called as Aristotelian method. It is useful to provide the information when readers have no information.

b.     Rogerian methods: In this method the writer presents the problems and acknowledges the opposing ideas. After knowing the opposing ideas, the writer presents his own ideas and explains the importance of his ideas. It is useful for polarizing. Knowing both sides, it acknowledges the middle path.

c.     Toulmin methods: In these methods, the writer presents the claim. He goes back to the grounds to back up that claims. Then, he justifies the claims as grounds are linked to the claims.  After linking the grounds he creates a warrant. Again, warrants are supported by backing the grounds. And then, presents the degree of certainty to advocate the claim.

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