Thursday, April 6, 2023

Causative Verb

Causative Verb

Causative verbs are used to demonstrate that someone (or thing) causes another person (or thing) to take some action. The main causative verbs used are: make, have, let, get, and help.  

1.   Causative verb LET

Meaning: Allow someone to do something.

Structure: Let + person/thing + verb


We couldn’t let our daughter adopt a kitten because she’s allergic to cats.

My brother let me use his computer when mine broke down.

Sarah never lets anyone tell her what to do.


2.   Causative verb MAKE

Meaning: Force or require someone to do something.

Structure: Make + person + verb


They make students exercise regularly.

John’s mum made him eat his dinner.

His parents tried to make him be a better person.



3.   Causative verb HAVE

Meaning: Give someone the responsibility to do something.

Structure: Have + person + verb


We had a painter paint our apartment.

Sheila had a hairdresser do her hair.


4.   Causative verb GET:

Meaning: Convince/persuade someone to do something.

Structure: Get + person + to + verb

Eg. :

Jane got her son to help her with the dishes.

She got her boyfriend to buy her an expensive ring.


5.   Causative verb HELP

Meaning: Give aid to someone in doing something.

Structure: Help + person + (to) verb

Note: You can use the infinitive with to (to do) or bare infinitive (do).

Helen helped me (to) do my homework.

A cup of coffee in the morning helps me (to) wake up.


In case of no agent we need to use past participle. Causative verb followed by object needs to be followed by past participle verb 3

I got my room cleaned.

I have my document photocopied.

I made it done

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