Tuesday, May 23, 2023

The Wish

It revolves around a character, who is a small boy.

The wish is a story that presents the self confidence that a person gains in the life.

It deals with the desire to face and overcome the challenges.

It depicts that life needs enough time to decide the pace


The boy is playing with the scab..The scab fell upon the edge of the red carpet. The different color of carpet.If he could cross he could get a puppy.

He used his imagination to play the game.The child imagined very tough and terrible game plan to reach his goal. As he reached the halfway across, he started to wobble around. He balanced his body by waving his arms

The pause is to make a decision in life.The child imagined very tough and terrible game plan to reach his goal. As he reached the halfway across, he started to wobble around. He balanced his body by waving his arms. He waited and thought about the possible ways to move ahead. The fear of not getting the puppy compelled him to continue his way ahead. He made proper use of his mind, paused himself and stepped further quite carefully.

The left side was more difficult for him to step, He felt so panic because he was nearly going to be bitten by a snake. The snake galloped him. The sun shines. The mother sees him


Warning against materialism: The boy has to go through the journey of the carpet as he wants to get puppies. He has to leave his zone of comfort and move towards the unseen fear of materialism, the gaining of the puppy.

The wish and its fulfillment: the boy wish to get puppies as a birthday gift. Therefore, he wants to cross the carpet safely without being bitten or brunt. 

Greed and materialism

The desires to get the puppy depicts the greed of material object. It depicts people longing for material things.

Reflection and personal growth

It presents the reflection and growth of the boy. The story presents how a child reflects huddles of life as he reflects the carpet as symbols of life journey.  



The process of gaining confidence:

The story presents the idea of gaining confidence by the narrator, the child. The different ideological concept can be analyzed to discuss to illustrate how he gains confidence.

1.  Curiosity and intiative:

the child became aware of the scab of an old cut on his kneecap. He bent forward to examine it closely. A scab was always a fascinating thing; it presented a special challenge he was never able to resist.


(Page 222).


2.  Making a bold wish

Step by step, he edged further ahead, and between each one he paused to decide exactly where he should put his foot.(Page 224).

3.  Temporary success and empowerment "I'm not touching you! You mustn't bite me! You know I'm not touching you!"(Page 224).

4.  Observing the conequences "I'm not touching you! You mustn't bite me! You know I'm not touching you!"

5.  Learning from mistake He thought first of trying to jump it, but decided he couldn't be sure of landing accurately on the narrow band of yellow on the other side. He took a deep breath, lifted one foot, and inch by inch he pushed it out in front of him, far far out, then down and down until at last the tip of his sandal was across and resting safely on the edge of the yellow. He leaned forward, transferring his weight to his front foot. Then he tried to bring the back foot up as well. He strained and pulled and jerked his body, but the legs were too wide apart and he couldn't make it. He tried to get back again. He couldn't do that either. He was doing the splits and he was properly stuck.(Page 225).(Page 224).


Puppy allurement

Carpet: life journey

Stairs difficulties one has to go through

Poisonous stake hurdles of life

 Narrative techniques used in the story

Third person narrative that has  the mixture of two voices.





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