Saturday, September 16, 2023

Format of narrative essay

Format of narrative essay


Introduction: It starts with hook. It tries to grab the attention of the readers’. It provides background information. It also contains the thesis statement.  

Body paragraph: There can be variation in body paragraphs depending on events in the essay. It follows the chronological orders of the events. It has vivid description of events. It can also present character development. It presents the development of the action that heads towards climax and finally resolution.  It can have following things: Sequence of events Tension Rising action Climax Falling action Resolution.  The first body paragraph introduces the event. It describes the setting character time place and background information. It provides a clear sense of the context of the story. Along with the first paragraph, the body moves presenting the events in chronological order. It describes what happened.  The paragraph develops with events and it moves ahead with description of the character that includes all physical traits and roles. Action moves ahead with rising action and finds the conflict. The conflict moves ahead with resolution. The body paragraph can have transition sentence. The theme and message should be the evident in the paragraph.

Conclusion:  It is the reflection of the main events or main ideas. It relates the thesis of the essay. It provides the closure of the essay.


A sample of narrative essay

A Journey of Self-Discovery[P1] 

I had always considered myself an adventurer, but nothing could have prepared me for the journey of self-discovery that awaited me during one unforgettable summer in the Appalachian Mountains. With the scent of pine in the air and the sound of a distant stream trickling through the forest, I embarked on a solo hiking trip that would change my life forever[P2] .

The sun had just begun to peek over the horizon as I set foot on the trailhead. The Appalachian Trail stretched out before me, a winding path through dense woods and rugged terrain. It was the start of a week-long adventure into the heart of nature, far away from the noise and chaos of the city. [P3] 

As I hiked deeper into the wilderness, I encountered a variety of challenges. Steep inclines tested my endurance, while narrow trails and rocky terrain demanded my full attention. Each day brought new encounters with wildlife, from curious squirrels to majestic deer. [P4] 

But it wasn't just the natural world that I discovered. Along the way, I met fellow hikers who shared their stories and wisdom. Among them was Sarah, a seasoned backpacker with a warmth that belied her tough exterior. She became a friend and mentor, teaching me valuable survival skills and the importance of embracing solitude in the wild. [P5] 

One evening, I found myself lost in the dense undergrowth. Panic set in as I realized that I had strayed far from the trail. Darkness fell, and the forest came alive with eerie sounds. It was a terrifying experience, but it forced me to confront my fear and find my way back to the trail, ultimately strengthening my resolve and self-reliance. [P6] 

In the quiet moments by the campfire, I reflected on my journey. The solitude and challenges had stripped away the layers of distraction and noise that had defined my life. I realized that the true adventure was not just in the wilderness but within myself. I had discovered my inner strength and a newfound appreciation for the natural world. [P7] 

As I completed my journey and returned to the familiar world of the city, I carried the lessons of the Appalachian Mountains with me. The adventure had taught me the importance of perseverance, the value of human connections, and the beauty of embracing the unknown. Lost and found, I had discovered not only the wilderness but also the depths of my own soul[P8] .



 [P3]First body paragraph: introduction to events

 [P4]2nd Body paragraph:development of events


 [P5]Character introduction and development

 [P6]Conflict and climax



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