Thursday, November 10, 2022

Village Adoption: A Step on Being Socially Responsible By Mohan Parajuli

Format of Report Writing

Report should have the following characters:

·     Brief report specification

·     Relevant analysis of the information.

·     Structuring the ideas in logical and coherent manner.

·     Consistent in instruction of the report.

·     Appropriate conclusion.


A simple report is supposed to be written having these basic features:


1.  Heading: A title that presents contents of the report.

2.  By line: The name the person who has written the report.

3.  Introduction: It is the beginning paragraph that highlights the major topic and provides background information.. It also contains a top view of what’s covered in the report. It may include the ‘5 Ws’ namely, WHAT, WHY, WHEN and WHERE along with WHO.

4.  Body: It describes sequence of the events that occur along with description. It describes the problems, data along with reasons.  It can also be broken into subsections, with subheadings that highlight the further breakdown of a point.

5.  Conclusion: It explains how the data describes data described in the body of the document may be interpreted or what conclusions may be drawn. The conclusion often suggests how to use the data to improve some aspect of the business or recommends additional research


Village Adoption: A Step on Being Socially Responsible[P1] 

By Mohan Parajuli[P2] 

On the occasion of the world migration day, Iswor Primary School, Gramthan has taken oath to embrace the village called Khajurbani. It has promised to enhance the educational status the people living here[P3] .

The school has declared its responsibilities for educating the elderly people residing in the village. The selected students along with teacher form a teaching circle to educate the people every day in the evening. The first 3 months motive is to make elderly people to write the alphabets including their signature. Essential reading materials are provided to elderly people. Elderly people are asked to share their opinion and it would be documented. Apart from education, the special care is provided to those people for their sound health. Different talents hunts have been organized which left them overawed.The immense enthusiasm and zeal in the people to learn is the main driving factor[P4] 

A homely environment is being created. The school treats the people of the village as its own students and is unbiased. By adopting a village, the school is making its students sensitive towards education of elderly people. It is committed towards raising elderly people friendly environment.[P5] 



 [P2]By line




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