Wednesday, November 23, 2022

Format of Memo writing


What is a memo?

Memorandum, also known as memo, is a very short email or letter sent to inform groups of people or organization about a specific problems and/or solution. It should have an action plan.

Step by step guideline to write a memo.

For official memo writing

In letter head write the memo in the heading of letter head along with logo in left hand side.

Begin with: To; write the recipient names

Form: write the sender name

Date: write the specific date; month date, year

Subject: be specific and do not exceed more than four words in subject line.

Introduction: tell what is memo. It has thesis and key points. It tells propose and expansion of the thesis in key points. It has one to three sentences.

Body or overview: It explains the key points. It goes on more details. It exceeds 3 to 5 sentences or 4 to 10 lines in maximum. While writing body or over view please consider few things. Do not be redundant. You can use bullet points. One key point is needed per paragraph.

Note: A memo sometimes can have summary as well. If a memo is more than a page, it should have summary. It is just like a conclusion.

 At last memo can be ended with seal.

To: include recipient’s name  

From: Include your name and title

Date: Month, day, year

Subject: subject of the memo

Do not use any salutation in memo. It does not need.  

Introductory sentence, with key word, start with a direct and brief introduction that states the reason for writing memo.

Provide concise but detail information to the readers.

End with clear closing and a call to action.



To: All staffs  [P1] 

From: company executive  [P2] 

Date September 10th, 2020[P3] 

Subject: Employee Commute Options Survey[P4] 

We are conducting a commuting survey this week among all employees. The purpose of the survey is to discover what methods we currently use to commute and what alternative methods are of most interest[P5] . The survey is required by Department of Environmental Quality’s Employee Commute Options (ECO) rules. These rules are part of the Portland area clean air plan to keep the air clean in light of air pollution associated with continued growth in the region.

ECO requires employers to provide employees with incentives to use alternatives to driving alone to work. The results of the survey will be used by Uniliver pvt. Ltd. to design a transportation program that reflects the needs and desires of Uniliver Pvt. Ltd. employees. We must receive completed surveys back from at least 75 percent of Uniliver Pvt. Ltd. employees to meet the requirements.

The survey will be distributed via e-mail on 11th September, 2020. Please take a couple of minutes to fill out the survey and return in by 13th September, 2020. If you have questions, please talk to Mr. Mithlesh Bhatiya.

We will share the results with you in the employee newsletter when they are completed[P6] .

Thanks for your participation,

Your excusive





 [P3]Date line

 [P4]Subject not more than four words

 [P5]Introduction what memo is about

 [P6]End with clear closing and a call to action.


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