Sunday, December 11, 2022

Leisure by W.H. Davies

The poem presents the problems of the modern life. It depicts how modernity alienated people from simplicity. It has snatched the simplicity from modern people. People need care and comfort. However, they have no leisure to enjoy the leisure. It upholds the importance of nature.

It satirizes on a modern way of living.

It highlights the proximity to the nature.

It stresses on importance of leisure in one’s life.

Modernity gets fused into the body implicitly.

Modernity keeps people separated from nature.

People need to know to celebrate simplicity.


The poem highlights the importance of being close to nature. It begins with inhalation process.  The living life is full of care. It depicts the life being busy mostly with necessities required for the body. They do not have enough time for their mind. They are busy as if they do not have enough time to stand and stare. He further talks about modern time. They even cannot stay beneath the branches as sheep or cow can do.

    The poem talks about the laps in modern society as they lack the time. People have busy schedule. They hardly have time to go through the natural things. They have no time to see the woods though they pass by it. They donot know about the wild life and their action. They cannot see the stars or day light. They are slowly detached from the nature.

    People have no time to turn or observe the beautiful girls. They can not tell how they step while dance. They have no time to see the smile on the face of the girls. The laps have been used metaphor for the poor mentality, poverty in mentality of the modern man who has no any time to go through the natute.

    The poem deals with how simple things touch the human. It deals with the people should manage time to get complete understanding of one’s soul and mind. A peron has to invest the time in simple things. It goes in the line of proximity to nature.

The poem is rich in its literary device. It begins with irony. The use of rhetorical question makes poem more literary. It has alliteration. It has refrain too.





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