Tuesday, December 26, 2023

Sagar's Diary: Format of travelogue

Sagar's Diary: Format of travelogue: Format of travelogue 1.    Introduction: The introduction of a travelogue should have the description   and purpose of the trip. It prov...

Format of travelogue

Format of travelogue

1.   Introduction:

The introduction of a travelogue should have the description  and purpose of the trip. It provides brief overview of travelogue.

2.   Description of the Destination:

Narrate a picturesque view of the place. Describe geographic features, cultural significance, historical background and unique characteristics.

3.   Personal Experiences:

States of personal experience, talk about local and memorable: include detail about people you met and their influence in your perception of the place.

4.    Cultural Insights  Sights and Sounds:

Describe the experience connected to the place focusing sensory details, landmarks and attractions. Discuss the local customs traditions, culture and lifestyle. Reflect on how those cultural aspects impacted writers understanding.

5.   Challenges and Surprises:

Highlights any unexpected events, challenges or surprises a writer encounter about the place. .

6.   Reflection and Personal Growth:

It reflects the emotional and personal or intellectual affect the perspectives, insights or lessons learned. .

7.   Conclusion:

Summarize the overall impression of the trip. Recommend or suggestion for other travels.


Tips for Writing a Travelogue:

Use descriptive language to create vivid imagery.

Engage the reader's senses by describing sights, sounds, smells, tastes, and textures.

Be honest and authentic about your experiences, both positive and negative.

Incorporate anecdotes and storytelling to make your travelogue engaging.

Organize your writing coherently, using paragraphs and transitions for smooth flow.

Wednesday, September 20, 2023

Sagar's Diary: Job Application

Sagar's Diary: Job Application: The component that job application has  Heading Salutation Greeting   Body a.      source b.    eagerness   to apply c.     declaratio...

Job Application

The component that job application has 

  1. Heading
  2. Salutation
  3. Greeting
  4.  Body

Saturday, September 16, 2023

Sagar's Diary: Format of narrative essay

Sagar's Diary: Format of narrative essay: Format of narrative essay Title Introduction: It starts with hook. It tries to grab the attention of the readers’. It provides backgroun...

Format of narrative essay

Format of narrative essay


Introduction: It starts with hook. It tries to grab the attention of the readers’. It provides background information. It also contains the thesis statement.  

Body paragraph: There can be variation in body paragraphs depending on events in the essay. It follows the chronological orders of the events. It has vivid description of events. It can also present character development. It presents the development of the action that heads towards climax and finally resolution.  It can have following things: Sequence of events Tension Rising action Climax Falling action Resolution.  The first body paragraph introduces the event. It describes the setting character time place and background information. It provides a clear sense of the context of the story. Along with the first paragraph, the body moves presenting the events in chronological order. It describes what happened.  The paragraph develops with events and it moves ahead with description of the character that includes all physical traits and roles. Action moves ahead with rising action and finds the conflict. The conflict moves ahead with resolution. The body paragraph can have transition sentence. The theme and message should be the evident in the paragraph.

Conclusion:  It is the reflection of the main events or main ideas. It relates the thesis of the essay. It provides the closure of the essay.


A sample of narrative essay

A Journey of Self-Discovery[P1] 

I had always considered myself an adventurer, but nothing could have prepared me for the journey of self-discovery that awaited me during one unforgettable summer in the Appalachian Mountains. With the scent of pine in the air and the sound of a distant stream trickling through the forest, I embarked on a solo hiking trip that would change my life forever[P2] .

The sun had just begun to peek over the horizon as I set foot on the trailhead. The Appalachian Trail stretched out before me, a winding path through dense woods and rugged terrain. It was the start of a week-long adventure into the heart of nature, far away from the noise and chaos of the city. [P3] 

As I hiked deeper into the wilderness, I encountered a variety of challenges. Steep inclines tested my endurance, while narrow trails and rocky terrain demanded my full attention. Each day brought new encounters with wildlife, from curious squirrels to majestic deer. [P4] 

But it wasn't just the natural world that I discovered. Along the way, I met fellow hikers who shared their stories and wisdom. Among them was Sarah, a seasoned backpacker with a warmth that belied her tough exterior. She became a friend and mentor, teaching me valuable survival skills and the importance of embracing solitude in the wild. [P5] 

One evening, I found myself lost in the dense undergrowth. Panic set in as I realized that I had strayed far from the trail. Darkness fell, and the forest came alive with eerie sounds. It was a terrifying experience, but it forced me to confront my fear and find my way back to the trail, ultimately strengthening my resolve and self-reliance. [P6] 

In the quiet moments by the campfire, I reflected on my journey. The solitude and challenges had stripped away the layers of distraction and noise that had defined my life. I realized that the true adventure was not just in the wilderness but within myself. I had discovered my inner strength and a newfound appreciation for the natural world. [P7] 

As I completed my journey and returned to the familiar world of the city, I carried the lessons of the Appalachian Mountains with me. The adventure had taught me the importance of perseverance, the value of human connections, and the beauty of embracing the unknown. Lost and found, I had discovered not only the wilderness but also the depths of my own soul[P8] .



 [P3]First body paragraph: introduction to events

 [P4]2nd Body paragraph:development of events


 [P5]Character introduction and development

 [P6]Conflict and climax



Saturday, July 29, 2023

मेरो आँत काप्दा काँपेका रातहरू
ताते गर्दै डोर्याउने ती बलिष्ठ हातहरू
डगेएनन्, कहिल्यै झुकेनन् ती काध
हरपल हरदम रह्यौ साथ
आकाश बढाडिएर फ्याकिँदा सूर्य
तिमी निस्तेज पाहाड जमिरह्यौ
बर्खा भेल उर्लेका बेला
तिमी बाँध सहिरह्यौ
जमेको खोला उदाङ्गो पारी
बिसकुन रछ्यान छर्दे जाँदा
हत्केला तिमी टिप्दै आयौँ
हत्केला कति फुटे होलान्
मेरुदण्ड ती चर्केका होलान्
दाइँको मियो झैँ अटल तिमी
दुःखको पहाड पग्लेर आयौ
सपनी तिम्रा राखेर थाति
गर्यौ नि भाकल फूल र पाती
बनाई दुःख आत्मीय साथी
बन्यौ नि भृगु निकाली मासी
तिमी सूर्य नापिरह्यौ
निःशब्द रात र बलेसि बिहानको स्मृति
शीतको थोपा तप तप चुहिँदा
बनेको ड्याडी तिमी मैन
पग्लिँदै पापा र बाबा तिमी
हरपल पिताजी रहिरह्यौ
हरपल पिताजी रहिरह्यौ

Tuesday, May 23, 2023

Sagar's Diary: The Wish

Sagar's Diary: The Wish: It revolves around a character, who is a small boy. The wish is a story that presents the self confidence that a person gains in the life....

The Wish

It revolves around a character, who is a small boy.

The wish is a story that presents the self confidence that a person gains in the life.

It deals with the desire to face and overcome the challenges.

It depicts that life needs enough time to decide the pace


The boy is playing with the scab..The scab fell upon the edge of the red carpet. The different color of carpet.If he could cross he could get a puppy.

He used his imagination to play the game.The child imagined very tough and terrible game plan to reach his goal. As he reached the halfway across, he started to wobble around. He balanced his body by waving his arms

The pause is to make a decision in life.The child imagined very tough and terrible game plan to reach his goal. As he reached the halfway across, he started to wobble around. He balanced his body by waving his arms. He waited and thought about the possible ways to move ahead. The fear of not getting the puppy compelled him to continue his way ahead. He made proper use of his mind, paused himself and stepped further quite carefully.

The left side was more difficult for him to step, He felt so panic because he was nearly going to be bitten by a snake. The snake galloped him. The sun shines. The mother sees him


Warning against materialism: The boy has to go through the journey of the carpet as he wants to get puppies. He has to leave his zone of comfort and move towards the unseen fear of materialism, the gaining of the puppy.

The wish and its fulfillment: the boy wish to get puppies as a birthday gift. Therefore, he wants to cross the carpet safely without being bitten or brunt. 

Greed and materialism

The desires to get the puppy depicts the greed of material object. It depicts people longing for material things.

Reflection and personal growth

It presents the reflection and growth of the boy. The story presents how a child reflects huddles of life as he reflects the carpet as symbols of life journey.  



The process of gaining confidence:

The story presents the idea of gaining confidence by the narrator, the child. The different ideological concept can be analyzed to discuss to illustrate how he gains confidence.

1.  Curiosity and intiative:

the child became aware of the scab of an old cut on his kneecap. He bent forward to examine it closely. A scab was always a fascinating thing; it presented a special challenge he was never able to resist.


(Page 222).


2.  Making a bold wish

Step by step, he edged further ahead, and between each one he paused to decide exactly where he should put his foot.(Page 224).

3.  Temporary success and empowerment "I'm not touching you! You mustn't bite me! You know I'm not touching you!"(Page 224).

4.  Observing the conequences "I'm not touching you! You mustn't bite me! You know I'm not touching you!"

5.  Learning from mistake He thought first of trying to jump it, but decided he couldn't be sure of landing accurately on the narrow band of yellow on the other side. He took a deep breath, lifted one foot, and inch by inch he pushed it out in front of him, far far out, then down and down until at last the tip of his sandal was across and resting safely on the edge of the yellow. He leaned forward, transferring his weight to his front foot. Then he tried to bring the back foot up as well. He strained and pulled and jerked his body, but the legs were too wide apart and he couldn't make it. He tried to get back again. He couldn't do that either. He was doing the splits and he was properly stuck.(Page 225).(Page 224).


Puppy allurement

Carpet: life journey

Stairs difficulties one has to go through

Poisonous stake hurdles of life

 Narrative techniques used in the story

Third person narrative that has  the mixture of two voices.





Monday, May 22, 2023

Sagar's Diary: The Oval POrtrait

Sagar's Diary: The Oval POrtrait: The story begins with an unnamed narrator taking refuge in an abandoned chateau. As he explores the rooms, he becomes fascinated by a port...

Thursday, May 18, 2023

Sagar's Diary: The Selfish 'Gaint

Sagar's Diary: The Selfish 'Gaint: The Selfish Giant" is a renowned short story written by Oscar Wilde. The narrative revolves around a selfish giant who owns a beautif...

Wednesday, May 17, 2023

Sagar's Diary: The Oval POrtrait

Sagar's Diary: The Oval POrtrait: The story begins with an unnamed narrator taking refuge in an abandoned chateau. As he explores the rooms, he becomes fascinated by a port...

The Oval POrtrait

The story begins with an unnamed narrator taking refuge in an abandoned chateau. As he explores the rooms, he becomes fascinated by a portrait of a young woman hanging on the wall. The painting depicts a beautiful woman with a mysterious aura, but the narrator notices that the canvas has been cut to fit an oval frame.

As the narrator examines the painting, he discovers a book on an easel nearby, titled "The Apparition." The book recounts the story of the portrait's subject, who was a young and talented artist. He fell in love with a beautiful young woman and became consumed by his desire to capture her essence in his art. The artist dedicated all his time and effort to painting her portrait, neglecting his own well-being and the needs of his wife.

In his obsessive pursuit, the artist requested the young woman to pose for him continuously, and she willingly complied. She posed day and night, growing increasingly weak and frail as time passed. Despite her declining health, the artist was oblivious to her suffering, only focusing on his artistic creation. Finally, after weeks of constant painting, the artist revealed the finished portrait to his wife, who was appalled by its lifelike depiction of her fading beauty. The young woman, exhausted and drained, collapsed and died.

The narrator is deeply moved by the tragic story and gazes at the painting in awe. Suddenly, he notices a similarity between the portrait and his own reflection in a mirror. As he examines himself further, he realizes that he, too, has been transformed into an oval portrait. The story ends with the narrator lamenting the fate of the young woman, whose life was sacrificed for the sake of art.

"The Oval Portrait" is a cautionary tale that explores the theme of art's power to consume and destroy. It emphasizes the dangers of pursuing art at the expense of human life and the ethical responsibility of artists. The story serves as a reminder that true art should not be at the cost of the artist's own well-being or the lives of others.






Ø  The theme of the story is the destructive nature of obsession: the character of the artist who becomes consumed by his desire to capture the essence of the young woman in his portrait. This obsession blinds him to the suffering of the woman and ultimately leads to her death.

Ø  The theme of the story and sacrifice: The young woman in the painting sacrifices her health and ultimately her life in order to fulfill the artist's obsessive desire for his art. The artist, in turn, sacrifices his own well-being and neglects his wife to pursue his artistic vision.

Ø  It has the power of art and its ability to immortalize its subject: The portrait in the story is described as extraordinarily lifelike, almost as if it has stolen the life force of the young woman. This highlights the idea that art can capture the essence of a person but can also extract a heavy toll in the process.Top of Form

Life philosophy found in the story

1.     The Destructive Nature of Obsession: The story serves as a cautionary tale about the dangers of unchecked obsession. The artist's obsessive pursuit of capturing the essence of the young woman in his portrait leads to her sacrifice and eventual death. This highlights the importance of balance, self-awareness, and the recognition of boundaries in our passions and pursuits.

2.     The Impermanence of Beauty: The theme of the transient nature of beauty is evident in the story. The young woman's beauty diminishes as she poses continuously for the artist, and the portrait becomes a haunting reminder of her fading existence. This can prompt reflection on the ephemeral nature of physical beauty and the need to appreciate and find meaning beyond superficial appearances.

3.     Sacrifice and the Price of Art: "The Oval Portrait" explores the idea of sacrifice in the pursuit of art. Both the artist and the young woman make sacrifices for the sake of artistic creation. The story raises questions about the ethical responsibility of artists and the potential consequences of sacrificing personal well-being or the lives of others for the sake of artistic expression.

4.     Reflection on the Nature of Art: The story invites contemplation on the power and impact of art. The lifelike portrait in the narrative suggests that art has the ability to capture the essence of a person or moment. It also hints at the notion that art can extract a heavy toll, raising questions about the relationship between art, life, and the responsibilities of artists.





Figurative Device Used in The Oval Portrait

1.     Metaphor:

"The portrait, I have already said, was that of a young girl." (The portrait is compared to a young girl.)

"The painting is now growing dim" (The painting is compared to a fading light.)

2.     Simile:

"The features, although beautiful, were not those of the usual type." (The beauty of the features is compared to an unusual type.)

"The eyes were lifeless, and lustreless, and seemingly pupilless, and I shrank involuntarily from their glassy stare to the contemplation of the thin and shrunken lips." (The eyes are compared to glassy stare.)

3.     Personification:

"The artist had now touched his work with the same hand" (Referring to the artist's action as if the work has been touched by a human hand.)

So with the tinted photograph" (The photograph is described as having a human-like quality.)

4.     Hyperbole:

"The picture grew darker and darker, and the figures were lost in the gloom." (The darkness intensifies beyond normal circumstances.)

5.     Symbolism:

The oval frame of the portrait symbolizes the confinement and limitation imposed on the subject.

The book titled "The Apparition" symbolizes the haunting presence of the subject's spirit within the painting.



Sagar's Diary: News Story Wriitng