Friday, January 12, 2024

Format of Story Writing


Introduce the main characters, setting, and the initial situation.

Establish the tone and mood of the story

Initial Incident:

Present an incident or problem that requires investigation or resolution.

Pose a question or a mystery that the characters need to solve.

Introduction of Clues:

Introduce the first set of clues subtly. These can be physical objects, statements, or events that seem ordinary at first but hold significance later.

Begin to build suspense and curiosity.

Character Development:

Develop your characters and their relationships.

Explore their motives, backgrounds, and personal conflicts.

Rising Action:

As the characters investigate, reveal more clues.

Create obstacles and challenges that they must overcome.

Increase the tension and stakes

Introduce misleading clues or false leads to keep readers guessing

Add twists and turns to the story.


Build towards the climax where the characters make a crucial discovery.

Reveal the true nature of the mystery and the identity of the perpetrator


Tie up loose ends and explain any remaining questions.

Provide closure for the characters and the story.


Reflect on the events of the story.

Consider leaving room for a sequel or additional mysteries.





A  Sample

A farmer with several sons- sons always quarrel- the farmer was sad and felt ill- taken to hospital- dying soon- called his sons and gave a bundle of sticks- told them to break the sticks- all tried and got tired- father untied the bundle- gave the sticks separately- each stick easily broken

The Unbroken Bonds[1]

Once upon a time in a quiet village nestled between rolling hills and vast fields, there lived an elderly farmer named Bikas. He was known throughout the community not just for his bountiful crops but also for his unwavering love for his sons[2]. Bikas had several sons, strong and hardworking, but unfortunately, they couldn't get along. Their constant bickering and quarrels cast a shadow over the once-happy farmhouse

As the years passed, the sons' disputes intensified, and Bikas found himself growing sadder each day. The strain on his heart became too much, and one day, he fell severely ill[3]. Concerned for their father, the sons rushed him to the hospital, where the doctors delivered a somber prognosis – Bikas was nearing the end of his journey.

Feeling the weight of his impending departure, Bikas decided it was time to impart a lesson to his quarrelsome sons. He called them to his bedside, and with a weak yet determined voice, he spoke, "My dear sons, my time is drawing near, and it pains me to see you constantly at odds. I have something to share with you that may help you understand the strength that lies in unity[4]."

With that, Bikas handed his sons a tightly bound bundle of sticks. "Try to break this bundle[5]," he instructed. Eager to prove their strength, the sons took turns attempting to break the bundle, but it remained resolute. They grew tired and frustrated, yet the sticks held fast[6].

Seeing their struggle, Bikas untied the bundle and handed each son a single stick. "Now, break these sticks," he urged[7]. To their surprise, each stick snapped easily in their hands. Puzzled, the sons exchanged glances.

Bikas, with a soft smile, explained, "Individually, you are like these sticks – fragile and easily broken[8]. But together, bound by love and understanding, you form an unbreakable bond. If you stand united, no adversity can shatter you. Remember this lesson and cherish the strength that lies in your unity."

As Bikas breathed his last, a newfound understanding dawned upon his sons. They realized that their father's legacy was not just in the fertile fields he left behind but in the unbroken bonds of family, love, and unity[9]. From that day forward, the sons set aside their differences, working together to honor their father's wisdom and ensure the prosperity of the farm for generations to come[10].

Top of Form


[1][1] Title

[2] Introduction and set up

[3] Initials incidents

[4] Introduction clues

[5] Rising action

[6] Character development

[7] Rising action

[8] Climax

[9] Resolution

[10][10] Conclusion

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Sagar's Diary: News Story Wriitng