Wednesday, January 10, 2024

letter to editor

The editor

News paper name

Address of news paper


Dear sir /ma’am

1.    Introduction : Begin your letter by stating the purpose of your letter. Introduce yourself briefly and mention the article or issue you are responding to.

2.    Main body: In this section, provide your opinion, feedback, or additional information about the topic. Support your points with facts, examples, or personal experiences. Keep your argument clear and concise.

3.    Solution or call to action: If applicable, suggest a solution or propose a course of action related to the issue discussed. This part can also contain a call to action for the community or authorities.

4.    Conclusion: Summarize your main points and reiterate your stance on the matter. End with a strong concluding statement or thought.

5.    Closing line:

Thank you for considering my views on this matter.

6.    Subscription Sincerely,

Name of applicant

















The Editor

The Kantipur Daily

Kathmandu, Nepal [1]



I am wri[3]ting in response to the recent article published on January 5th regarding the proposed park closure in our community. As a resident deeply concerned about preserving our green spaces, I felt compelled to express my viewpoint on this matter[4].


Green spaces are vital for our community's well-being. They provide a sanctuary for families to enjoy nature, promote physical activity, and enhance the overall quality of life. Closing down the park not only deprives us of these benefits but also disregards the needs of residents, especially children and the elderly, who rely on this space for recreation and social interaction[5].


Instead of closing the park, I propose exploring alternative solutions, such as increasing community engagement and partnerships to address any concerns regarding maintenance or safety. With collective effort, we can maintain the park's functionality while addressing the identified issues.[6]


Preserving our green spaces is not just a matter of convenience; it's an investment in the health and happiness of our community. I urge the local authorities to reconsider the decision and work collaboratively with residents to find sustainable solutions that benefit everyone[7]

Thank you for considering my perspective on this crucial issue.[8]


Ram Khadka[9]


[1] Heading, name of news paper and address

[2] Salutation


[4] Introduction

[5] Main body

[6] Solution or call for action

[7] Conclusion


[8] Closing line

[9] Subscription nd signature

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Sagar's Diary: News Story Wriitng