Sunday, June 13, 2021

A Red Red Rose

                        by Robert Burns


A  Red Red Rose is a poem, written by Robert Burns, talks about love and separation. It functions as a lyrical poem that establishes the influences of love in lovers and beloved life.

The speaker presents his love towards his beloved. He presents his heartily love for his beloved. He compares his beloved with red rose of June and melodious tune. He opines that his beloved is so beautiful. He explains the physicality of the beloved and moves into inner aesthetics of love. He immortalizes his love and promises to love her forever.

The theme of the poems goes in the line of love and changes. The word red rose symbolizes his love. As he compares his love with red rose, the theme of the poem is hereby to express what love is. In the same line, the speaker tells ‘newly sprung in June’, means delicate love, fresh beginning of the love. The word ‘rose’ also refers delicate that can fade soon. It means there can be changes in the love. His comparison of love with ‘sweetly played tune’ presents the power of the love. The universality of the love can be found as it goes in the line of musicality. The music can attract any body. It has the power. The comparison of love with music presents the power of love.

The speaker explains the physical beauty. The line ‘as fair art thou, my bonny lass, explains the physical beauty. The writer has talked about beauty and youth. The youth and beauty can be the general stand point fot the beginning of the love. They can fade soon. However, the speaker valorizes the love and moves to immortality of the love. He acknowledges feelings that emerges from beauty and can go for longevity if one tries to get the factor for eternal beauty that is beyond physicality. The eternality of the love is presented as the images used in it like:  ‘the sea gang dry, the rock melts with sun; the sands of life shall run’. These images take love from impermanent to permanent.

He presents the realistic presentation of love. Though people love each other so dearly, they cannot stay together all the time. He has known about such bitterness of the life. He anticipates that they need to depart. However, he gives his word that he would return in her life. He assures his beloved about the unification as has infinite love.


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