Thursday, June 3, 2021

 The PlayBefore Elizabethan age we do not get better historical incidents of drama. However, it is not wrong to say that there was  no drama. There were three different types of drama: Liturgy, Miracle Play and Morality plays.

Liturgy is the play that was in existence in 12th century. It is a drama that is presented inside the  four wall of the church. It used to have the story of the Bible. As it was performed in church, the subject matter was religious. The language of the drama is Latin. It has the performance of the certain part of Jesus life.

The developed form of the Liturgy has been understood as Miracle Plays are the developed form of Liturgy Play. It is developed from in the sense that it began its journey out of the church. Though it was not so far away from the church, it got open space for its performace. In another word, it is called as the Saint’s Play.  It presents the real or fictitious life story of a saint.  There are four cycle of the Miracle Play. They are York Chester Coverty and Wake field. The drama is written in iambic pentameter.

Morality plays are allegorical plays which were popular in 15th and 16th century the characters of the plays are abstract components. The characteristic of the morality plays are:

It is essentially an allegory. The presentation is verse narrative.

The protoganist represents either complete humanity or social class.

It is a dramatic presentation of conflict between good and bad force of human life or soul.

It is quite easy to perform as it is written in  vernacular language. A common person can easily understand it.


Interlude: A play, which was quite popular in 15th and 16th century, is also believed as not a completely different play rather a short performance done in between miracle or morality play. It is very short and a few characters are found to be in interlude.

Generally, English drama begins with the church. It has religious subject matter, and performed in the church. Liturgy and Miracle Plays went in the line of religious subject matters. However, there is a bit development in miracle plays as it moved outside from the church. The Morality plays moved in a closer to societal as it talked about the moral issues the virtues and vices. Such gradual development paid a great platform for the development of drama in Elizabethan age/s Before Elizabethan Age

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