Thursday, June 17, 2021

All The World's a Stage

The line taken from As you like it. The poem has presented real aspects of human life. The world and its people are presented metaphorically as a stage and players. The poem ahs presented the entre human life into seven different stages. It presents the beginning to end of the life a human life. The first stage of the life is infanthood. He plays in the arms of his nurse. He also vomits and cries in this stage. The second stage is boyhood. He is a school-going boy. Carrying his bag, he goes school unwillingly. The stage is stage of a lover. He composes ballads for his beloved. The fourth stage is as being a soldier. He becomes aggressive and ambitious with full of stage oaths. He seems like a leopard. He tries to get reputation in his deeds. The fifth stage is a stage of maturity and wisdom. In this stage, he becomes like a fair judge. He tries to provide fair judgment. The sixth stage is a stage of old. In this stage, his voice gets changed and become like childish. The final stage of human life is second childhood. In this stage, he loses the faculties of all sensory perception.

The poem has presented the idea of medieval philosophy. The first stanza deals the most important conceit. It depicts the universality of the life process as it has been compared with theatrical entrance and exists.

The poem begins with infancy and school days. It presents the beginning of with infancy to school going boy. The word unwilling refers to gradual denial of lose of freedom. It depicts the life move ahead denying the freedom of one’s life. Talking about such loss of freedom in one’s life, the poem further deals with another stage of life that is young lover. He falls ahead over in love and feeling. The hot passion of the man desperate with the use of image ‘furnace’, presents the way of life towards the revolution or or crating his own level of freedom. The fourth stage, the soldiers, presents the beginning of economic life. In this stage, a person wants to have his reputation.

The next stage of life is a path of judge. It refers to middle age. The word ‘fair and round belly’ presents good economic condition. It refers the strength of one’s economic condition in middle age.

The next stage refers to retired life. It slips into comfortable. The word pantaloon denotes the seeking of comfort in life. The final stage of life is to live like childhood and finally move to exist point.


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