Friday, June 4, 2021

A Brief Reading of Class 11 New Course Information

A Brief Reading of Class 11 New Course Information

1.         Passage  15 marks

It contains three types of questions. There are  Five short questions, Five multiple choice questions, and five vocabulary questions. Strategies of reading or dealing with passage:

a.   Skimming.: Skimming is a strategic, selective reading method in which you focus on the main ideas of a text. it deals with as we can skip the text and a reader looks at introduction, topic sentence, concluding sentence some typical words. Skimming is extracting the essence of the author’s main messages rather than the finer points. There are three types of skimming: preview, overview, and review.


b.  Scanning is reading a text quickly in order to find specific information, e.g. figures or names. It can be contrasted with skimming, which is reading quickly to get a general idea of meaning.

c.   Intensive reading involves learners reading in detail with specific learning aims and tasks.. The learners read a short text and put events from it into chronological order. It gives attention on a particular language features.

d.  Extensive Reading allows the learner to develop an awareness of collocations (common word partnerships) and thousands of lexical phrases. Extensive Reading helps learners understand grammar


2, Short question answer ( five Questions that contains 2 marks each)

·     Hit the head: you must begin with exact answer of the questions. The first sentence should begin with the answer.

·      Give supporting detail from the text: The topic sentence of your answer should be supported with substantial detail of the text. it does not mean that we need to write unnecessary information of the text.

·     Conclude your answer: restate your topic sentenc e of your answer.

3. Long question answer( Two Questions that contains % marks each)

·     Form a thesis statement of the answer: begin your answer with general background to specific idea and narrow down the main standpoint of your answer.

·     Gather all essential information to support your answer: in a brief write the summary of the test. However,  your should not write whole summary/

·     Interpretation: you need to interpret the essential information to support your thesis statement. It means have validity claim or warrant of your thesis statement of the answer.

·     Conclusion: it means you need to restate the thesis statement.

4. Free writing (25 marks)

a.   The personal letter writing:

b.   Personal narrative

c.    Paragraph writing

d.   Essay writing

e.    Email writing

f.     Giving direction

g.   Dialogue writing

h.   Film review writing

i.     Book review writing

j.     Travelogue writing

5. GrammarL10 Marks)

a.     Parts of speech and dictionary use

b.     Adverbs and its position

c.     Tense::present, past, future and color future  

d.     Subject verb agreement

e.        Study of the verb: transitive, intransitive, linking, regular and irregular verb

f.       Uses of modal verb: should, may might must can’t, used to

g.     Relative clause: defining and non definfing

h.     Structure of wishes

i.       Sentence functions: structure of sentence and different component of sentence

j.       Voice

k.    Reported speech

l.       Articles

m.  Connectives

6. Vocabulary (5 marks)

The words we find in ways with the word in Language study section

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